Osric Bingo

Art Fair.

  1. Osric Bingo Caller
  2. Osric Bingo Generator
  3. Osric Bingo Call Generator

What a misnomer. It's not art and it's not fair. Hordes of middle-aged women and retiree couples descend upon quiet Ann Arbor and wreak havoc for close to a week. If we venture outside, we're sure to get stuck in the eye with the dangerous Art-on-a-Stick, the weapon of choice of these patron-assailants.

's gravenhage h 'tween v 'tween decks v.22 N 0 NA 1 NA 1-dodecanol N 1-hitter N 10 NA 100 NA 1000 NA 10000 N 100000 N 1000000 N N. Essaysanddissertationshelp.com is a legal online writing service established in the year 2000 by a group of Master and Ph.D. Students who were then studying in UK. Bingo is easy to learn and play. Children young and old alike can learn Chinese characters and words by playing Bingo games! This tool is created for Chinese teachers and parents to quickly generate custom Bingo cards and randomized call sheets with your own Chinese characters and words.

Don't despair!

While they're having fun at our expense, why not have a little fun at their expense? Play Art Fair Bingo! Print out a bingo card and roam the fair. See if you can sight five connected squares of depicted scenes or characters.


artfairbingo2004.pdf (PDF - 644K)


  • Ms. Mrrranda L. Tarrow.
  • Jonathan Bearup (blahsville.comicgenesis.com/).
  • Christopher ™ Herdt (osric.com/chris).
  • Jacquelene Steele.
  • Chassy Cleland (chassycleland.com/).
  • ...and everyone at the Ann Arbor-Ypsi LJ community.

Other Years

The tradition lives on!

  • 2005

Create Your Own

Use our Bingo Card Generator to make and share your own bingo cards (strictly text-based at the moment, but better than not playing at all!)


The history of Art Fair Bingo is not well documented. A 1999 Art Fair Bingo card designed by 'Toad' credits the original idea to Tanya the Blast-Off Girl (The Blast-Off Girls--Sue, Wendy, and Tanya--were radio DJs/on-air personalities at WCBN 88.3 FM).

By: Stuart Marshall
OSRIC: Twelve years, and still no kickstarter.
Helping you to publish original material for use with the game Gary Gygax wrote.
My Personal Rules as a Player
It's a game of chicken when the DM is the crazy one
1) I do not hoard my wow-bangs. If I die with a sheet full of magical items or spells, then I played in vain. I am not here to advance a character, I am here to make fun memories with people I enjoy spending time with...(click above for more!)
Prison of Meneptah
Advanced Adventures #4: The Prison of Meneptah is a 32-page OSRIC(TM) module designed for 4-7 adventurers of levels 8-10. When news came that an army led by a secretive cabal of war wizards failed in their attempt to unseat one of the rulers of Hell, the leader of the arcane order rallied his remaining forces so that another assault could be put into motion. In preparation for the eventual assault, he elected to further explore one of the planes newly discovered just a few months prior, which detected as highly magical in nature. Perhaps, just perhaps, this mysterious desert-like plane would provide him with the powerful magicks needed to overthrow the dreaded Lord of the Flies himself! A force of twenty men and women was eventually dispatched to the plane on a mission of exploration. None have yet returned... Can a hardy band of adventurers journey to the strange desert-like plane and bring home with them any surviving members of the lost expedition? What information on the denizens of the strange world can be gathered for the coin of the cabal?
Undead In AD&D Part 2
By: Larry Hamilton
Yesterday, I wrote a bit about Undead in AD&D, with a focus on the Monster Manual and Dungeon Master's Guide. I got a lot of likes and comments on it, some wanting to see what I had to say about the Fiend Folio.
The Red Mausoleum
The populated regions north of the Sistermoors have enjoyed over a century of respite from the wars that once plagued the area. However, within the past year, baronial patrols have reported clashes with undead and other dark creatures brave enough to strike out from the moors into the forests of men and elves. The Baron's sage suspects that the undead issue out of the mysterious ancient landmark known as the Red Mausoleum located somewhere on the wild stretches of the moors! This module includes 16 adventure-packed pages, complete with detailed maps and descriptions, forming a ready-made adventure.
The Lost Keys of Solitude
Advanced Adventures #10: The Lost Keys of Solitude is an OSRIC(TM) module designed for 6-8 adventurers of levels 6-10. While traveling through the foothills of the Garvain Mountains, your party found refuge for the night in a hermit's cave. In the morning, you wake to find the hermit and all his possessions gone, all except for two golden tiles: one embossed with the image of a bull with his hrons down and ready to charge, the other a tiger poised and ready to pounce. When the tiles are placed next to each other so that the bull and tiger face one another, the embossed images move, fusing the two pieces into one. The newly created image is the bull and tiger locked in combat. The fused piece is easily separated, and when separated, the images of the bull and tiger return to normal. Beside the two golden tiles lies a crudely-drawn map of the area with a path marked through valleys and passes ending at an 'x' labeled 'Solitude.' What terrors or treasure could be found in Solitude?
MontiDots Ltd
By: Simon Todd
We are about writing, illustrating and publishing table top role-playing games. MontiDots is a collaborative venture between three friends incorporating passions, skills, ideas, creativity and fun. Through OSRIC we have published a series of adventures for various levels of play from low level exploratory dungeons to grim survival adventures in upper layers of hell.
Undead In AD&D
By: Larry Hamilton
I was reading up on the various undead in the Monster Manual, and noted which ones in their descriptions specifically mentioned throwing holy water on them would hurt them.
AD&D Complexities A Left-handed View of AD&D
By: Rick Steeves
It's Complicated
Ever spent two hours figuring out the results of chain lightning and two characters with rings of spell turning? Welcome to investigating the intricacies of D&D complexities.
Follow Me And Die!
By: Larry Hamilton
I am a long-time gamer. I started with the Holmes Blue Box set of 'Basic D&D' that only went to third level, back in March or April, 1977. I then moved on to AD&D, anxiously waiting as each book was released, reading every word as quickly as possible.
The Blue Bard
By: Anthony Huso
OSRIC Supplements
I play AD&D. My goal is to help you play AD&D, Rules-As-Written, not only so that a wonderfully byzantine time in gaming isn't lost, but so that you can have as many stories and as much fun I and my crew have had over the years.
The Chasm of the Damned
Every inn hearth is ringing with chatter and every guildhall is silently watching and preparing. Nobles are equipping adventuring parties, and religious orders are hiring sword arms to be at the ready. All of this activity centers around one fact: this is the month that the legendary Chasm of The Damned returns. The Chasm is never late; once every 37 years, in this month, a mysterious gorge riddled with caves and populated by strange creatures appears somewhere within 200 miles of the spot in which legend says it originally sat. It stays for exactly 108 hours then slowly fades away... taking with it anyone who does not escape in time. The Chasm's return is soon at hand; sometime this month it will appear and various groups stand ready to pounce should the Chasm be within a quick travel distance. Regardless of the veracity of legends, elder adventurers who have journeyed into the Chasm and returned always give three pieces of advice: bring a cleric, bring plenty of sacks, and don't be in the Chasm after 108 hours.
It's a game of chicken when the DM is the crazy one
Approach: gamist over simulationist Appeal: player skill over character skill Aesthetic: Heavy Metal: the Movie over fantasy geographic My games and writing center around sandboxing between urban, wilderness and megadungeon play; and also a heavy dose of other-planar. Quirks include an irrational love of treasure maps, and using the DMG unarmed combat tables. Dice openly rolled to the fullest extent possible. Illusions are real to the character if the player responds except to disbelieve. Gandalf was just a 5th level wizard, prove me wrong.
Free Town of Groat's End - Twisting Stair Dungeon
It's a game of chicken when the DM is the crazy one
Since the party is going back to town, I needed to put one together. Here's a map for it, and I'll finish detailing out the town over the next few days in blog posts...
The Lost Pyramid of Imhoptep
The Lost Pyramid of Imhoptep is An OSRIC(tm) module designed for 4-6 adventurers of levels 4-7. Several months back, a small boy from the village of Ab-Amon happened upon a buried column while playing out in the surrounding desert. He reported to the village elders that the column bore strange and frightening symbols that he, in his youthful exuberance, insisted were curses. Being as the boy was known to have a photographic memory, he was able to accurately draw the queer symbols for the village elders when asked. The elders, being somewhat familiar with the ancient history of their region, quickly came to the realization that the symbols must be associated in some way with a pharaoh, for they were enclosed by a lozenge-shaped border. Even though they lacked the ability to directly translate the ancient hieroglyphics, they did realize that such a design, a cartouche, was used to spell out the name of the pharaoh along with all of his royal titles. Perhaps, just perhaps, the local wizard reasoned, the pillar could be linked to the tomb of the master architect Imhotep, whose final resting place has never been found.
The Sarcophagus Legion
The Sarcophagus Legion is An OSRIC(tm) module designed for 4-6 adventurers of levels 2-4. Sultan Mehmet rules his desert kingdom with absolute power, save for the trackless wastes of the interior where the authority of his army and bureaucrats holds no sway. The nomadic dervishes that call this inhospitable sea of sand their home recognize no authority greater than the warlord who leads their individual band. Sultan Mehmet is viewed with contempt by these barbarians, and the instruments of his rule are attacked whenever the opportunity presents itself. The two people are effectively at war, and have been for centuries. Recently, Sultan Mehmet's beautiful wife Syriana fell into the grasp of the dervishes when the caravan with which she was traveling came under attack. Now, her desperate and humiliated husband has turned to courageous and resourceful adventurers to see to it that she is returned safe and unharmed.
The Flaming Footprints of Jilanth
Advanced Adventures #5: The Flaming Footprints of Jilanth is an OSRIC(TM) module designed for 6-8 adventurers of levels 3-5. A short time ago, the Lord Admiral of Ranste suddenly disappeared. Now the streets of this thriving trade port are filled with bare footprints that dance with ghostly green flames, the signature of the long-dead pirate Firebeard. Has the dreaded buccaneer come back from the grave to haunt the city that hounded him to his grave? The Ranste Council fears the worst, and has hired a band of adventurers---the PCs---to determine the truth behind the unsettling happenings. To that end, the PCs have been sent to the abandoned pirate-cove on the tropical isle of Jilanth to ensure that Firebeard has not returned to his old haunt. If indeed he has, the PCs are to use all the resources at their disposal to send the cut-throat back to hell!
The Conqueror Worm
The Conqueror Worm is An OSRIC(tm) module designed for 6-8 adventurers of levels 10-14. Over five centuries ago, there came unto the arctic lands of the North from a far removed dimension an elder being of unfathomable menace. The White Worm, as it was called by the scholars, was a colossal creature with rubbery, corpse-white skin. The primitive humans the foul beast encountered were ill-equipped to deal with the manifold, eldritch magicks in its possession. However, before the dread worm could wholly enslave the Northern lands, the great frost giant jarl Harold Hardrada managed to deal it a near-fatal blow. And so, the White Worm entered into a deep recuperative sleep until such time as it felt strong enough to challenve the kingdoms of the North once again. Unfortunately, the White Worm has just awakened from its centuries-long slumber, and it trying to build up its magical army once again. The PCs can pervent the completion of such by retrieving the magical weapon of the long-dead frost giant jarl and then putting the abominable White Worm to the sword in its ice-walled citadel.
Extraordinary Delving and Cartography Co. (Part 1 & 2)
Article By: Rachel The Icemaiden
I've been playing in my brothers 1e (with houserules) adventure along with my sister-in-law and a couple of friends since the Christmas holidays. During sessions I doodle some of the action and I've started to develop these into a strip charting the party's progress. I shall be sharing these in this thread - updates will be when I get the time to put pen to paper. Should be noted that these are 'cartoons' and I'll be using some artistic license but the spirit of what happens at the table will always be there... Party: Byon of Athfort Human Fighter - Level 3 Aeife Green-oak Halfing Druid - Level 3 Ellodin Afoncoed High Elf Fighter/MU - Level 2/2 Arilith Dorchabas Drow Fighter/MU - Level 2/2 Gorimm (NPC) Dwarf Cleric - Level 3 Part 1 - Hollow Hills Background: The party have been hired by a Whitehaven noble family to rescue their son whom they believe has been kidnapped by a rival family and taken to the port town of Finwyrm to be sold into slavery and taken overseas. The party have left the town of Whitehaven and to reach Finwyrm they would either have to cross a mountain range or take a very long route around them. At the foot of the mountains they came across a settlement of gnomes who had been troubled by bands of goblins and hobgoblins who had taken up residence in an old deserted hillfort. During the clearing of the hillfort the party found an old map which showed a series of tunnels and passages leading through the mountains themselves. They have been in these passages for some days now their progress being dogged by increasing numbers of Duergar. They have lost the cleric Gorimm during one fierce melee and although not finding his body believe him to be dead. We join them as they reach a junction in the passage. An open pit is evident in the secondary passage and further down it are fallen boulders where some of the walls have collapsed..... Arilith on point Ellodin guarding the rear. Note: During the course of the action Arilith, standing right at the lip of the pit, had to make a dexterity save or loose her footing. A roll on d20 of her dex score or under was required to be successful. She has a dexterity of 17... I rolled an 18.
Expeditious Retreat Press
By: Joseph Browning
You like modules? We got modules. Lots of them.
Expeditious Retreat Press has been creating OSRIC-compatible material since 2006. We've released 43-and-counting modules in the Advanced Adventures line, 2 monster books in the Malevolent and Benign series, and plan to continue releasing OSRIC-compatible material until the wheels fall off. In 2020 we'll release The Halls of Arden Vul. The largest OSRIC-compatible megadungeon! With 10 levels, 15 sub-levels, and nearly a million words in length, it's going to be a right beast!
PRODUCT& Magazine #11 - Humanoids!PRODUCTThe Lost Keys of SolitudePRODUCTZA8: RampagePRODUCT& Magazine #8 - Urban AdventuresPRODUCTFootprints #09
PRODUCTThe Corrupt Crypt of IlmaterPRODUCTMoganvillePRODUCT& Magazine #3 - Nautical AdventuresCREATORExpeditious Retreat PressPRODUCTOld-School Gazette #4
PRODUCTThe Seven Shrines of Nav'k-QarPRODUCTThe Mouth of the ShadowveinPRODUCTFootprints #23PRODUCTThe Barrow Mound of GravemoorPRODUCTStonesky Delve
PRODUCTWhite Dragon RunPRODUCTA Book of Miscellaneous SpellsPRODUCTThe Riddle of AnadiPRODUCTThe Valley of Eternal RestPRODUCTThe Doom of Red Rauthim
PRODUCTFootprints #13PRODUCTA Guide to DragonStonePRODUCTA Book of Miscellaneous Spells IIPRODUCTThe Conqueror WormPRODUCTCity of Brass Appendices

Osric Bingo Caller

PRODUCTBeneath the Heart of EmpirePRODUCTOB2: The Barrow of the Moon DruidPRODUCTHU2 A Fabled City of BrassPRODUCTHM1 - The Disappearance of Harold the Hedge MagePRODUCTThe Verdant Vault of Malakum

Osric Bingo Generator

CREATORGoblin's HenchmanPRODUCTThe Hyqueous VaultsPRODUCTPre-Generated Characters: Vol. 1PRODUCTHS1 - The Village of RashtanPRODUCTWhite Dragon Run II
PRODUCTAerie of the Cloud Giant StrategosPRODUCTBeneath The Darkshroud PeaksPRODUCTOB6 :The Lost Mithral MinePRODUCTStormcrows GatherPRODUCT& Magazine #2 - Undead
PRODUCTThe Warrens of ZagashPRODUCTThe Village With No NamePRODUCTBad Day at BlackmarshPRODUCTPrison of MeneptahPRODUCTThe Mad Demigod's Castle
PRODUCTOld-School Gazette #3MEDIANew rules for clerical strongholdsPRODUCTThe Monastery of the Order of the Crimson MonksPRODUCTHU3 The Mortuary Temple of EsmaPRODUCTThe Sarcophagus Legion

Osric Bingo Call Generator

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