Never Have I Ever Bingo

  1. Never Have I Ever Bingo Sheet
  2. Never Have I Ever Bingo Card Templates
  3. Never Have I Ever Bingo Game

How it works: Never Have. ' ' is the online version of the world wide known game 'Never Have I Ever' which is often played at parties and together with friends. There can be as. Superbowl Bingo Cards Superbowl Bingo Cards Game, Printable All PDF Readers $2.95 'I have used your bingo game at my last two super bowl parties. Both times it has been a big hit.' Superbowl Bingo Cards Superbowl Bingo.

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By day whatever of quarantine, you’re probably starting to regret not taking advantage of all of those after work happy hours when the office was once open. As we've all been working from home for a year, we’ve been forced to get creative with not only how we attend work but also how we see our career families. Even though virtual happy hours and company parties have become the new norm, that doesn’t mean they have to be as boring as they once were in the office. With some creativity and the internet, you and your coworkers can have hours of fun that will have you forgetting about that overdue assignment.

Like any work party, you’ll want to start the night off with some Zoom ice breaking games like Something In Common or the Question Game. Once everyone has shaken off the day’s workload and gotten acquainted with their fellow working mates, it’s time for the real fun to begin. Luckily, most of the games that you originally played in the office can also be played virtually. From games like Office Bingo to a work edition of Never Have I Ever, you and your co-workers will find lots to talk and laugh about during your next work party. This list of games will not only give you fun games but team-building ones, too. Here are 13 Zoom games that are great for office parties.

In this game, one person will be designated the Designer, while the rest of the team will be referred to as Artists. The goal of the game is for the artists to draw what the designer is describing. Here's the catch, though: The designer can only describe their item by using geometric terms. For example, the designer would say something along the lines of, 'draw a circle and around it draw vertical diamonds,' instead of saying 'draw a flower.' If the artists correctly draw the item being described, they and the designer each get a point. Each round should be played for about three minutes, and you can play as long as everyone likes. The person who collects the most points by the end wins!

One participant will mute their microphone in this game and say a typical office phrases like 'ball is in your court' and 'let's circle back,' while the other participants try to figure out what the phrase is. Spice the game up by adding in insider phrases of things that only your co-workers say.

Never Have I Ever Questions: Ever considered playing the very famous drinking game of never have I ever in your life? If you have not played it yet then this is the most perfect time that you should totally gather all your friends to give this game a try. To make your game a lot easier to you, I have compiled a list of various types of never have I ever questions for you.

These questions are arranged in such a way that you would not feel any problem in choosing the right questions for right people. Apart from the never have I ever questions, I have also listed out the rules and regulations for this amazing game.

There is also a section given below which will totally make you understand about how to play this game. I am not leaving any stone unturned so that you can have all the fun with your friends and family. So, now stop reading to these never have I ever questions and start playing.

How to Play Never Have I Ever

This popular drinking game has a certain idea to be followed just like any other game. You can make some changes into it if you and your group wish so. The basic idea of how to play never have I ever is given below. Just read it, understand it and have fun.


  • You will need a complete group to play this game. At first, you would definitely need at least five people to join you in this game. You can invite more and more people too. The more the people, the more the fun you guys can have. Make sure that you have enough alcohol for everyone you are inviting.
  • It would be great if you guys can arrange a round table to sit around. Any other table will also be ok. Sit around and set up everything on table like shot glasses and alcohol. Make sure that each one gets equal amount of alcohol in glasses.
  • Decide this in the starting only, that who will refill the glasses. This would keep your game going in a better flow.
  • Keep a friend as a backup who is not playing this game. This would help in taking care of the people who are heavily drunk and are not able to keep up well with themselves.
  • This person can also note down the shots each person is taking. This would help in deciding the winner of the game.

Game Playing

  • Ask a person and decide it mutually, that who is going to start first.
  • The person will start with a statement about the thing that he/she has never done by saying, “never have I ever done this”.
  • In the remaining people who have done this will drink the whole shot of glass.
  • In the end, the person who drinks the least shots will be the winner of the game.

Never Have I Ever Rules

There are certain rules and regulations in a game which makes it differ from the rest of the games. This game of never have I ever also involve some rules which must be followed to let the flow of the game be maintained. If anyone breaks these rules, then you can mutually disqualify or decide some penalties on him/her.

Rules for never have I ever game are:

  • All the players playing the game must tell the truth otherwise, there will be no fun in playing the game.
  • No player can speak for any other player. It means that they cannot take the charge of players sitting on their either side. Everyone would have to play as an individual instead of a team.
  • If a player makes a statement and nobody has done this task then the player is out. This would keep everyone warned to not mention the things nobody can ever do). Instead of making him out of the game you can also decide other penalties or punishments for him/her.
  • Before the game starts, mutually omit the topics everyone has an objection on. This would help you all to not let any dispute or argument happen in the middle of the game.
  • If anyone crosses the limits, he/she can be eliminated from the game.


  • You can change or bend the rules of the games according to your wish.
  • You guys can replace the alcohol with any other soft drink of your choice.
  • The game can also be played as ten fingers. If anyone has not done the statement said then he would take down one finger. And the person left with the most fingers up will be the winner.
  • Make sure to stay creative and funny with the statement; it will maintain the fun of the game.

Never Have I Ever Questions Dirty

Ever thought about playing the never have I ever game with your partner? If you have not thought about it then it is the time that you should totally give it a try. We are bringing you some amazing dirty never have I ever questions that you can ask to your partner. It is surely going to increase the comfort level and you two would have a great time playing it.

1). Never have I ever has a threesome in my entire life.

2). Never have I ever been too much rough in sex that my partner started to bleed.

3). Never have I ever seen someone changing clothes intentionally.

4). Never have I ever forced someone to have sex with me.

5). Never have I ever watched a couple making out by hiding secretly.

This is one of the dirtiest kind of never have I ever questions to ask while playing with your partner or close friends). It can also lead to a great conversation ahead like who were the couple or where did you see them etc.

6). Never have I ever been caught watching porn by someone.

7). Never have I ever tried a weird position just for the sake of pleasure.

8). Never have I ever approached a hot stranger for sex.

9). Never have I ever had a one-night stand in my life.

10). Never have I ever been on a nude beach.

It will be great to see that who will take a shot after such never have I ever questions. If someone drinks on this statement then am sure he/she will be poured with a lot of questions afterwards.

11). Never have I ever got hooked up on a blind date.

12). Never have I ever made a relationship with a married person.

13). Never have I ever tried to attract someone to me who is already engaged or committed.

14). Never have I ever picked up my nose in public.

15). Never have I ever done a pole dance to excite an opposite sex person.

This is one of the most interesting kind of never have I ever questions. Actually it is a lot funny than dirty. Your whole group gonna laugh like hell when someone will take a shot of alcohol on this statement.

16). Never have I ever secretly listened to the conversation of a married couple.

17). Never have I ever lost my virginity for a hot unknown person.

18). Never have I ever used a household stuff for masturbating.

19). Never have I ever made a fuck buddy in my life.

20). Never have I ever end up having sex with a friend.

Such kind of never have I ever questions can really make the environment intense. So, do not try to initiate the conversation out of it because it can affect the present relationship of a person.

21). Never have I ever used the chatting apps to get hooked.

22). Never have I ever played any type of sex game with anyone.

23). Never have I ever imagined myself in different positions of sex while I am alone.

24). Never have I ever kissed someone’s ass.

25). Never have I ever peed in my pants in public.

26). Never have I ever got hooked up with anyone on the first date with him/her.

27). Never have I ever had sex with someone way more than my age.

28). Never have I ever used a dirty pick up line to get laid.

29). Never have I ever got hooked up with a teacher.

30). Never have I ever used a vibrator in my life.

Such never have I ever questions are really dirty and can turn on your partner quickly. It will be really great if you ask such questions to your partner because it will set their mood on fire for sure.

31). Never have I ever had to strip in front of anyone for a bet.

32). Never have I ever got naked in public.

33). Never have I ever had a paid sex in my life.

34). Never have I ever hooked up with a prostitute.

35). Never have I ever screamed badly while having sex.

36). Never have I ever called up an escort service.

This is also a dirty kind of never have I ever questions that you can ask among your close friends. It will be superb when someone would drink because you never know who did it.

37). Never have I ever had a surgery for my private parts.

38). Never have I ever caught having sex.

39). Never have I ever had sex in a club’s washroom.

40). Never have I ever turned on or had orgasm in public.

Never Have I Ever Questions Funny

Why so serious? It’s time to have some fun with your friends by asking them the never have I ever questions from this section. They are hilariously funny and are surely going to tickle some funny bones of yours. So, gear up yourself to have an amazing time with your peers and close ones through these never have I ever questions.

1). Never have I ever tried to pile on a teacher for great grades.

2). Never have I ever lied to someone to get escape from a situation.

3). Never have I ever done something so embarrassing after being heavily drunk.

4). Never have I ever hit someone hard in my anger.

5). Never have I ever walked while I was in sleep.

To initiate some really funny conversation, such never have I ever questions are beyond perfect. It will definitely lead to some silliest stories of sleep walking of your friends and the stupid things they did while they were walking in sleep.

6). Never have I ever done a prank with my parents.

7). Never have I ever got bullied by small kids.

8). Never have I ever pooped or peed after watching a horror movie.

9). Never have I ever accused someone else for my fart.

10). Never have I ever porn while in college or school.

Such kind of never have I ever questions are also quite funny. It will definitely lead to a light-hearted conversation if someone were caught doing so in school or college and got punished in return.

11). Never have I ever skipped showers for more than two days.

12). Never have I ever kicked someone hard on their butt.

13). Never have I ever photoshopped my picture with a celebrity.

14). Never have I ever used an opposite sex loo in urgency.

15). Never have I ever got locked in my own house.

This can easily happen with anyone because of the auto lock system. Such kind of never have I ever questions will bring out the funniest memories of each and everyone who got locked in their own home.

16). Never have I ever caught making out with my maid.

17). Never have I ever offered someone a rotten piece of food.

18). Never have I ever fooled someone with artificial insects.

19). Never have I ever caught someone making out in a public washroom.

20). Never have I ever done bungee jumping in my life.

Such never have I ever questions can be quite exciting. You can get some major vacations and adventure goals from the people of your group who have done this and had tremendous fun while doing so.

21). Never have I ever made someone cry with my pranks.

22). Never have I ever vomit out food just after eating it.

23). Never have I ever locked my pet in my car and forgot.

24). Never have I ever looked terrible in a family function.

25). Never have I ever been to a massage parlor.

Get ready to listen to some funny and some sassy massage parlor story through such never have I ever questions. Some of them are surely going to blow your mind as you never know what your friends are up to.

26). Never have I ever prank called someone about a death.

27). Never have I ever dressed terrible on Halloween.

28). Never have I ever had to hide my fart in a loud music.

29). Never have I ever drunk the same water that my pet did.

30). Never have I ever got a D grade in my school.

Find out the biggest duffer in your friends through such never have I ever questions. Such questions will take you all to the memories of school life for sure.

31). Never have I ever thought of getting a bust or butt implants.

32). Never have I ever danced like a wild animal.

33). Never have I ever got an electric shock from a policeman.

34). Never have I ever stolen some items from a shopping mart.

35). Never have I ever read someone’s diary without their permission.

36). Never have I ever used someone else’s toothbrush.


Of course, it is pathetic to use someone’s toothbrush. Such never have I ever questions would reveal some disgusting and funny as hell stories of your friends which will make you laugh until the stomach hurts.

37). Never have I ever offered someone a used toothpick.

38). Never have I ever worked in a strip club.

39). Never have I ever messed with my teacher.

40). Never have I ever been to a red light area.

Best Never Have I Ever Questions

This compilation is a combined set of different types of never have I ever questions. These questions are funny, witty, and crazy and above all they are just the best ones). You are surely going to love this section of never have I ever questions. You can use these questions with your friends and family without being awkward.

1). Never have I ever tried to kill an animal intentionally.

2). Never have I ever talked to myself while looking at the mirror.

3). Never have I ever got a serious sun tan.

4). Never have I ever made news for all wrong reasons.

5). Never have I ever missed any train or any flight.

These are the random types of never have I ever questions. You can ask such questions to your friends and to your family members also. They are not restricted to any special criteria at all.

6). Never have I ever made excuse of my sickness for a leave.

7). Never have I ever been to a gym for bodybuilding.

8). Never have I ever caught sleeping in my office.

9). Never have I ever been to an amusement park after being an adult.

10). Never have I ever got sleep deprived because of my love life.

Ask your siblings and cousins such never have I ever questions and enjoy the gossip of their love life which they never revealed earlier. You can also ask such questions to your friends also.

11). Never have I ever sent nudes to someone else accidently.

12). Never have I ever made an appearance on television.

13). Never have I ever become a fitness freak.

14). Never have I ever sung a song for someone.

15). Never have I ever got kissed by someone.

Wants to know about the first kiss of your friends or cousins? You should definitely go for such kind of never have I ever questions to know about the love life of your friends, and then you can tease them for it.

16). Never have I ever misspelled something awkward in public.

17). Never have I ever witnessed something creepy in my life.

18). Never have I ever got a fracture in my life.

19). Never have I ever exchanged my answer sheet with my friend in an exam.

20). Never have I ever attended a lavish party in my life.

These are the kind of just random never have I ever questions. It is suitable best when people belonging to different age groups are playing this game together.

21). Never have I ever got stuck in a traffic jam for two hours or more.

22). Never have I ever got fainted seeing something pathetic.

23). Never have I ever received a surprise birthday party.

24). Never have I ever used a revolver.

25). Never have I ever got an awkward haircut in my life.

26). Never have I ever got fired from my job.

This is definitely a very daring kind of never have I ever questions to ask to your friends. This will totally gonna land in some great gossips if someone is going to drink on this statement.

Never Have I Ever Bingo Sheet

27). Never have I ever misbehaved with an opposite sex person.

28). Never have I ever left a movie in the middle while watching it in theatre.

29). Never have I ever got a tattoo in my life.

30). Never have I ever got trapped in a police case.

If you want to blow your mind then go for such never have I ever questions with no doubt. This would reveal the craziest personality hidden behind the most innocent faces.

31). Never have I ever got my vehicle broken down in the middle of road.

32). Never have I ever got shortlisted for a lottery.

33). Never have I ever been proposed by someone for marriage in my life.

34). Never have I ever seen a tiger in wild.

35). Never have I ever tried to attempt a suicide.

36). Never have I ever been scolded by someone very badly in public.

This can be someone’s girlfriend or boyfriend or can be parents or boss too. You can find out who is the one scolding and the one being scolded through such never have I ever questions.

37). Never have I ever got slapped by an opposite sex person.

38). Never have I ever issued a book in library.

39). Never have I ever gone for an exotic trip all alone.

Never Have I Ever Bingo Card Templates

40). Never have I ever revealed my company’s confidential information to someone for money.

Never Have I Ever Questions for Teenagers

If you are group of teenagers and finding out the best collection of never have I ever questions for teenager then you have come to the right place. This game is very popular among teenagers, and therefore some never have I ever questions should be there which can belong to them. That is why I am mentioning some interesting questions especially for teenagers in this section.

1). Never have I ever been caught doing something wrong.

2). Never have I ever been to a rave party.

3). Never have I ever hit right on my nose.

4). Never have I ever eaten my lunch during a class.

5). Never have I ever tried to read a holy book.

Being a teenager such kind of never have I ever questions are most suitable ones. Do not go for something much higher than your level to ask each other. It will surely land you people in some awkward situation.

6). Never have I ever teased someone with their crush’s name in front of their crush.

Never Have I Ever Bingo Game

7). Never have I ever been damn rude to someone to make them cry.

8). Never have I ever worn dirty clothes to a party.

9). Never have I ever pour wine on someone’s clothes.

10). Never have I ever stolen someone’s lunch box.

Want to find out the lunch box thief of your classroom? You should definitely ask such never have I ever questions while playing with your classroom friends.

11). Never have I ever been to a date with someone.

12). Never have I ever avoided showers for more than a day or two.

13). Never have I ever been into a serious fight with someone.

14). Never have I ever insulted workers in my school or neighborhood.

15). Never have I ever taken credit of someone else’s work.

It is actually very bad to do so no matter what is your age. Ask such never have I ever questions so that someone can admit their fault and accept it too.

16). Never have I ever made my parents cry.

17). Never have I ever provoked someone for doing something illegal or wrong.

18). Never have I ever bullied the kids who are younger than me.

19). Never have I ever been insulted by someone in public.

20). Never have I ever called to principal’s office for being notorious.

Such never have I ever questions are good enough to find out the most mischievous personality among all your friends. Find out they who are the one who have been scolded by principal.

21). Never have I ever regretted badly on any of my decisions.

22). Never have I ever made fun of my teachers in class or anywhere else.

23). Never have I ever thought of starting a gang in my school.

24). Never have I ever performed badly in the cultural program of my school.

25). Never have I ever drunk alcohol in my life.

You can find out the teenager friend of yours, who is into alcohol or something else wrong through such, never have I ever questions easily. You can also warn them to not do it ever again.

26). Never have I ever disrespect my elders.

27). Never have I ever been punished in my school.

28). Never have I ever scared someone by following them in dark.

29). Never have I ever could save an entire eraser for use.

30). Never have I ever bunked school for having fun.

Find out the bunkers of your class through such never have I ever questions easily. These are some light-hearted questions to ask to your teenager friends.

31). Never have I ever given a fake number of my parents in school.

32). Never have I ever played poker in my life.

33). Never have I ever been admitted to hospital.

34). Never have I ever been sent to a rehab center in my life.

35). Never have I ever uploaded intimate pictures of someone on the internet.

Now this can be one of the most important kind of never have I ever questions to ask to your teenager friends group. Of course, it is wrong to do so at any age. So ask them to take down the pictures if any of them uploaded it.

36). Never have I ever watched something wrong on television.

37). Never have I ever lied to my teachers.

38). Never have I ever run out of school because of being homesick.

39). Never have I ever tried to flirt with my classmate.

40). Never have I ever missed to submit my assignments on time.

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Here is the complete compilation of all kinds of never have I ever questions. There are different categories given from which you can choose questions to play this game. Each category is specified with different theme and purposes.

These are the best never have I ever questions, that you are ever going to see. You can ask any of them in your respective groups without thinking twice. Just ask them to your peers and enjoy this never ending game. This is the best game to lighten up your mood and forget all the stress you have. So, keep reading these never have I ever questions and keep enjoying with your friends.

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